Veterans Day is still a few days away, but since I only publish once a week, I’m going to jump the gun.
The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month is approaching again and here in the US, we’ll observe Veterans Day. We should keep it in mind all year as a reminder of the debt we owe to every Veteran for protecting us and our freedom with their courage, sacrifice, and service.
View from Veterans Memorial Park, Titusville, Florida
I’d like to share a few quotes that are more eloquent than anything I might come up with.
Alexander S. Vindman:
“America has thrived because citizens have been willing to contribute their voices and shed their blood to challenge injustice”
Barack Obama, November 11, 2010:
“It’s about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It’s about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they’ve earned when they come home. It’s about serving all of you as well as you’ve served the United States of America.”
Arthur Ashe:
“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”
Ronald Reagan, November 1983:
“Veterans know better than anyone else the price of freedom, for they’ve suffered the scars of war. We can offer them no better tribute than to protect what they have won for us.”
Winston Churchill, 20 August 1940:
“Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”
Sunrise over the docks – Veterans Memorial Park, Titusville, Florida
The photos in this post were made at Veterans Memorial Park in Titusville. I used to enjoy stopping by there for a sunrise photo on the way to MINWR. It was damaged in Hurricane Irma in September 2017 and the piers and seawall have been fenced off since then. I’ve stopped every once in a while to check on it, but hadn’t made any photos there. Until recently.
The fence is as ugly as ever, but I managed to poke my lens through and over the top of it for a couple of compositions. I thought they’d make good additions to a post about Veterans.
I searched online for news about this park, but didn’t see anything that was recent. Until it’s repaired, we’ll have to wait to get back out on those docks – and keep working around that fence.
You can view other Veterans Day posts I’ve written at this link:
Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. Please stay safe and take care of each other. Honor our veterans. Oh, and if you can – make some photos!
©2020, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved