Merritt Island NWR 12/8/2022

I spent a few moments before sunrise last Thursday morning at Scobie Park (just south of Veterans Memorial Park in Titusville), watching the pre-dawn clouds reflecting in the calm Indian River water. Oh, and I had a camera with me too – I made 6 frames to stitch together into this image: The day begins … Continue reading Merritt Island NWR 12/8/2022

Hello Again

It’s been a little over a month since my last post. I enjoyed writing this one after such a long break. I went over to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge toward the end of August. I wasn’t expecting to see much, but I wanted to get out and photograph something. I’m glad I did, because … Continue reading Hello Again

Merritt Island NWR – July 21, 2021

Our weather’s been seasonably hot and humid here in Central Florida. We’re very definitely in the dog days of summer. According to Wikipedia, they’re called that because historically they’re associated with the summer-time rise of Sirius (Canis Major – the “Dog Star”) in the night sky. Anyway, mid-summer isn’t the best time for birds / … Continue reading Merritt Island NWR – July 21, 2021

Merritt Island NWR – December 2020

‘Twas the night after Christmas* ‘Twas the night after Christmas and I sat at my desk, trying to decide which photos were best. To the refuge I’d been three times in December. I was writing a blog post to help me remember. All of these pictures I selected with care. In hopes that they’d make you … Continue reading Merritt Island NWR – December 2020

Seen in St. Augustine

Lynn and I spent a couple of days in St. Augustine, Florida last week.  It’s been two years since I last wrote about it (in this post), but it’s still a photo rich environment.  Here’s a sample of the images I made there this time. Columbia Restaurant interior.  We usually stop by this place for … Continue reading Seen in St. Augustine

Empty Nest Syndrome

No, not this one: Kevin K., Tom M. and I met at the Sanford Marina on Friday  before dawn.  The plan was to make a few sunrise photos and then go photograph a nearby eagle’s nest. I like this long exposure: Blue hour at the marina.  Olympus Hi-res mode, 13s, f/5.6, ISO 250, @ … Continue reading Empty Nest Syndrome

Hawaii Five-Oh (Top 5 Photos from Hawaii)

Editors note:  Today we have another post from our roving correspondent MaryKate. This time from the middle of the Pacific Ocean – enjoy! Back in May, I (willingly) kidnapped my youngest cousin Annie and took her to one of my bucket-list destinations and remaining states to visit: Hawaii!  We were there for 5 days and … Continue reading Hawaii Five-Oh (Top 5 Photos from Hawaii)