Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day is observed in the US on the last Monday of May. It’s set aside to remember, honor, thank, and mourn men and women who have lost their lives serving our country.

Decorating soldiers’ graves with flowers is an ancient custom. We’ve done this in the US  since at least the Civil War and in 1971 it became an official federal holiday.

There are parades in many places across the country, and we also observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials. Some wear a red poppy in remembrance of the fallen, a tradition called out by the by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae in the World War I poem “In Flanders Fields. Our local veterans group does a very solemn and moving missing man table as well as a Memorial Day Ceremony.

"By the dawn's early light"The US Flag at half mast at Veterans Memorial Park in Titusville Florida.

Please join us tomorrow and take a few moments to remember service members who have perished in the line of duty and those they left behind.  Heroes all.

You can see other Memorial Day related blog posts at this search link:

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other.

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

8 thoughts on “Memorial Day 2024

  1. Thank you for your service Ed. I was just thinking of my father, brother and uncles who all served as well. Beautiful photo as well. Kev

  2. What a beautiful tribute to those who served. Thx.
    So many people don’t think about the reason for the holiday.

    1. Thank you Lisa.

      You might be able to tell that I feel pretty strongly about this. We owe veterans and their families more than we can ever repay.


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