Our weather here in Central Florida is finally starting to cool off a bit. I could definitely feel a difference when I set out for Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge early last Monday. And the high temperature reached just 81ºF later that day. Our forecast for next weekend predicts highs in the mid 70s – the beginning of a very nice time of year!
Anyway, I came home with a number of photos I really like. This week I’m going to go way over my usual photo quota and share many of them. First, a couple of landscapes

Next, some visitors. As pleasant as the cooler temperatures are, they also mean it’s time to start looking for some of our winter bird friends and I spotted several on my trip.

Of course we also have many of our normal residents around.

The header image is a of a Brown Pelican that just caught a fish in the canal. It’s not that good of a photo, but I kept it because it shows an interesting moment in nature’s circle of life.

I saw other birds on this trip, including Great Blue and Tri-colored Herons, Great and Snowy Egrets, White and Glossy Ibis, Ospreys, Belted Kingfishers (sorry couldn’t get a photo), Pied-billed Grebes, Mourning and Common Ground Doves, and others I’m forgetting. I also used the Merlin bird app a couple of times to listen to bird calls. It ID’d a Black Scoter. Those have been spotted before at MINWR, but I wasn’t able to find it to confirm.
I haven’t mentioned this in a while, so I’ll bring it up again: You can find out what birds are in an area on the ebird website: https://ebird.org. Their page for MINWR is here: https://ebird.org/barchart?byr=1900&eyr=2021&bmo=1&emo=12&r=L123565 and it shows what species are seen there during each month of the year – a fabulous resource!
You can click on each of these photos to see larger versions on Flickr. And I have a huge collection of MINWR images in this album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrosack/albums/72157627776386723
Changing the subject #1 : This week, Go take a look at Diane’s Swamp Sunflower post: https://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/2021/10/in-search-of-swamp-sunflower.html. She spotted them near the Pruitt Trailhead at Halpata Tastanaki Preserve and along the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway trail. Wonderful photos Diane!
Changing the subject #2 : Halloween is next weekend so here’s one more photo from last Monday that fits with the holiday:

Okay – I think that’s a long enough post for today! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Please take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, get out and see some nature. And make some photos!
©2021, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Another fabulous illustrated example of what a diverse area MINR is!
Thank you, Ed, for sharing your discoveries with those of us who cannot visit nearly as often as we like.
And thanks for the link to Diane’s flowers!
Loving these cooler mornings!
Thank you Wally. It is a diverse area and I’m so grateful to live close by.
I enjoy it every time we visit, although it’s especially wonderful starting at this time of year.
Take care and maybe we’ll run into each other some time out there!
(Oh, and check your spam folder for Diane’s comments.)
How sweet of you to put a link to my blog here! I always love seeing what you see and many times I’m able to do an ID because I’ve seen birds on your blog and Wally’s! I appreciate you both. I don’t think my comments are going through on Wally’s blog though. I may be in his scam folder by mistake. Anyway, thanks for the links for ebirds. We are seeing lots of neat birds and wildlife this week here in North Central FL. Love your Anhinga photo with so much detail in the feathers! See you on the trails! Hugs, Diane
Thanks Diane, and I’m glad to put the link in – you have a wonderful blog.
the eBird website is a great resource. Cornell Labs is behind it and the Merlin Bird ID app too – all free of charge.
What a great post! Love your spider web, too!! Fun!
Thank you Dorothy – it’s always nice to see your comments!