Morning Dew

I try to maintain a regular schedule here and normally blog once a week – almost always on Sunday morning.  I get up early and write (or finish writing) so I can hit the “publish” button before breakfast.  My system’s worked pretty well for me and I hope for readers too.  It’s gotten me up  to almost 600 articles so far.

I enjoy it, but it’s a challenge at times.  I want to include photography info worth reading or at least an image worth viewing.  And I want each post to be something that I’ll enjoy re-visiting myself.

This morning I sat here with a blank page and a photographically blank mind.  Making and processing images is a passion for me and has been for a long time.  I’m pretty sure I’ll continue to enjoy it as long as I can.  But it is just a hobby and there can be (and this week are) more important things to think about and deal with.

I won’t burden you with any personal issues – the blog is about image making.  Instead I’ll simply leave you with another recent Caladium composition that I hope you’ll enjoy. Processing it to preserve as much detail as possible took my mind off of other things for just a little while.

Morning DewMorning Dew.  We’ve had some bumble bees flying around our flowers lately and I’ve tried to photograph them.  I made this image after giving up on the bees one morning.

You can click on this image to view a larger version on Flickr. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Your visits and comments mean a lot to me.

Now – go make some photos!  I will too.

©2019, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

6 thoughts on “Morning Dew

  1. Thank you for still sharing your blog this morning in spite of dealing with situations. I pray all will be well with you.

  2. What a great blog. It is interesting how taking images, takes you on a mini vacation mentally. Yes, you focus on your subject and black out all the other stuff from your mind. It is great therapy for me for sure. Your image is exceptional and so is your blog! Thank you.]


    1. Thank you Dorothy!
      Photography (and other hobbies / work) is a welcome distraction sometimes. Getting “in the zone” is pleasant and will block a lot of concerns and anxiety, for me at least.

  3. Such spectacular images. I find taking pictures very therapeutic. My mind only thinks about here and now and I forget everything else. Even for just 5 minutes. I was cleaning up my front yard and saw this one weed that i liked. Decided to make a picture. And it was a perfect distraction, at last for a time being. Hang in there!!!!

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