There’s a new feature in the latest Creative Cloud versions of Lightroom and Camera Raw, and if you stitch together multi-frame panoramas like I tend to, then you should take a close look at it.
It shows up as a new slider called “Boundary Warp” in the “Merge to Panorama” dialog and it’s designed to help fix the empty areas along the edges of some stitched panoramas. You can see an example in the first image below.

An easy way to fix this is to crop out the empty portions of the frame, like this:

But that throws away pixels that you may want to keep. You can also try to fill in the empty areas with content aware fill or the clone stamp, but that often leaves some anomalies that take time to clean up.
Using the new function is easy. It keeps all the pixels in the image and warps the edges to fill in empty areas.

I like the way it works. It’s better than cropping or trying to fill in missing portions with the clone stamp. Try it – I think you’ll like it too.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Now – go make some photos and warp some boundaries!
©2016, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.