Category Archives: VARIOUS

Washington DC

I’ve written about photography on business trips before (for instance here). If you’re willing to put up with the hassle of carrying your photo equipment (or you can travel “photo light”), and if you have an opportunity to leave early or stay late, then you may be able to enjoy some of the photo ops at your destination.

The pre-dawn Potomac River, Georgetown,  and Washington DC from the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Rosslyn, Virgina

The pre-dawn Potomac River, Georgetown, and Washington DC from the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Rosslyn, Virgina: Getting up at 5:30am and leaving my warm, cozy room to walk down to the river with my tripod and camera in the cold and dark wasn’t easy. Timing the 4 – 8 second exposures between vibrations from passing cars was also a bit difficult. But I like the result.

I had a business trip to Washington DC this week and needed to be there first thing on Monday.  Instead of flying in Sunday night, I made arrangements to get out on the first flight Sunday morning (whew, that was an early alarm!).  This gave me few hours in DC to act like a tourist.  The weather was cloudy with some rain, but that actually turned out to be an advantage for some of the things I photographed and I did manage to make some images that I like in two or three different places while I was there.  Washington is a target rich environment for photo ops – where to start?

At the first place, birds sang as I walked paths through the area.  Looking up and searching for them, I could see trees beginning to bud out with leaves and flowers, signaling the start of Spring and triggering many thoughts about nature.  As I continued, my eyes were drawn back to earth where the sight of graves triggered thoughts about sacrifice by many brave people.  I also thought about predictions of the decline of the USA, and it occurred to me that these don’t take into account the power of our belief system.  Our economy is large, and we are creative — but our true strength is that so many believe in our rights and freedoms and are willing to defend them with their lives.

Tomb of the unknowns, Arlington National Cemetary

Tomb of the unknowns, Arlington National Cemetery: I’d never been to Arlington before last Sunday. As a US Navy Veteran and a patriot, I have to admit it made a huge impression on me.

Arlington National Cemetery is located on a hill across the Potomac from Washington DC.  It’s the former home of Robert E. Lee and was taken over by the Union when the Lee family failed to pay taxes.  Arlington house (his former manor) is surrounded by grave sites of union soldiers so that if he ever tried to return, he’d have to cross that line of soldiers to enter his home.  [4/16 update:  Here is a good article about Arlington house:]There’s a good view of downtown DC and the country’s power base from up there.  I hope that Congress glances up at Arlington occasionally before it makes decisions that may result in more grave sites.  Arlington is only a few minutes from downtown Washington, and close to Reagan airport.  There’s plenty of info on their web site for visitors.

After Arlington, I drove into downtown DC. Since it was Sunday and raining, there weren’t many people around and I was able to park about two blocks from the Lincoln Memorial and walk over for a few photos. Unfortunately, there is a lot of construction going on right now – the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument was drained, and this limited the compositions available.

The Lincoln Memorial and me

The Lincoln Memorial and me: Last Sunday in Washington DC was cloudy with a bit of rain, so there weren’t too many people out and about in the city. I circled around to the south west side and set up my tripod for this shot. I think it’s pretty rare that you get a chance to capture an image of the Lincoln Memorial without people in the photo.

The view of the Lincoln Memorial above is a multi-shot panorama / HDR using 27 individual photos.  The full resolution result is about 45 Mega-pixels in size.  The power of the software we have available today always amazes me.

Take advantage of your travel opportunities.  Turn them into photo ops.  You might like the result.

If you click on the photos above you can see larger versions on Flickr.  You can also see these photos and a few others from this trip in this set on Flickr.

Thanks for stopping by, now go make some photos!

© 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

A few more updates

Sorry for not posting last weekend.  Much to do and little time to do it.  Here’s an update on three recent Central Florida Photo Op topics.

Ravine Gardens:  We made another trip up there and I’ve refreshed the main Ravine Gardens post with a few small revisions and two additional photos following our visit yesterday.  Bottom line:  A nice place for spring flowers.

Dogwood blossom in front of azaleas

Dogwood blossom in front of azaleas at Ravine Gardens

Viera Wetlands:  Kevin M. and I went by last Saturday.  Highlights of the trip were the White Pelicans in the click ponds (migrants in Florida) as well as getting images of 3 new (for me) birds.  By the way, the Tree Swallows are very difficult to photograph.  They never seem to perch and their flight patterns are very erratic.  But they are good practice for flight shots!

Least Bittern in the reeds

Least Bittern in the reeds

Tree Swallow?

Tree Swallow

European Starling

European Starling

Sigma 150 – 500 OS:  I did use this lens at Viera last weekend.  It worked well, but started to  “chatter”  one time.  Then it stopped and worked fine after that.  Not sure what to make of it, other than to keep an eye on it over time.

Thanks for stopping by!

© 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

The Sigma 150 – 500 returns and more flowers

I mentioned at the bottom of this post that I was having trouble with my Sigma 150 – 500mm OS lens and that I’d let you know how it turned out.  I said that I’ve been very happy with it and one of my few complaints was that the Optical Stabilization was a bit noisy.  Lately, it’s developed a “chatter” where it sounds like the OS motor is vibrating back and forth.  While it does this, you can see the image vibrating through the viewfinder.  I sent it back to Sigma to have them check it out.

Sigma called after about a week and said that it tested OK for them.  I described what I’d seen happening in detail and they agreed to look at it one more time.  They called again and said that it still checks out OK and that they were sending it back.  They did mention that cold weather (which can lower the power available from the camera’s battery) might make this happen.  But I shoot in Florida, so I doubt that’s it.  They also said that hitting / knocking the lens can make the OS oscillate.  I’m very careful with my gear and don’t remember hitting it at all, much less the several times when it’s done this, so I don’t think that’s it either.  It arrived late on Friday (after work, so I actually was here for the UPS guy!).  I’m under the weather with another bad cold, so I haven’t had a chance to try it out.  But I will.  I do have two more years of the extended warranty remaining, so I’m not too worried.  If I learn anything more, I’ll update you.

And just so this poor blog doesn’t go too long without an image, here’s one that I reprocessed this morning.

Composite Black and White Image

Composite Black and White Image

The original photo was made in October of 2004 with a Minolta Dimage 7Hi.

Source image

Flowers in glass water bowl

This morning, I ran it back through Nik Silver Effects Pro with four different settings and re-arranged the results into the single B&W image that leads this post.

© 2004 and 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Borrow the Bouquet

If you’re a photographer, one side benefit of romantic relationships can be residual bouquet photo ops.  Just be careful to make sure your significant other doesn’t think too hard about why their arrangements are so photogenic. You are, of course getting the flowers for them.

Flowers are an easy photo op, although many of us don’t bother since so many flower photographs have already been made.  But there are reasons to try:  It’s good practice with your equipment and technique.  Maybe you’ll come up with a different and beautiful approach.  Maybe you can learn a new lighting or processing technique.  And maybe it’s a convenient subject when you don’t have several hours to load up and go out in search of birds or other wildlife.



I bought Lynn some tulips for Valentine’s Day and wanted to make a few photos while they were still looking good.  Please don’t tell any Strobists out there, but I used a flashlight for illumination in these images.  Using a constant illumination light source instead of a strobe, allows you to see exactly how the light looks on your subject before you make the photo.  In this case, I was trying to “spotlight” the front tulip to isolate it, but at the same time leave the tulips in the background just visible.  I tried various positions for my light and no one single position worked.  The ones that looked best had blown highlights on either the right or left side of the front tulip.  I ended up making two exposures, intending to spend some time blending them by hand in Photoshop.  Here are portions of the two exposures showing the front tulip:

Source photos for image above

After loading them as layers in Photoshop, I made an attempt to blend them by hand without much success.  Instead, I hit on the idea of changing the layer blending mode to “darken” instead of “normal”.  The lead image in this post is the result, with no hand blending at all.  I like the effect and I like the smooth, out of focus definition of the tulip in the background on the left.

I also wanted to try one more thing before these tulips had to be retired.

Tulip two

Tulip two

For this second shot, I wanted to make the flower look like it was illuminated from the inside by shining the light up from the bottom.  I also wanted to make the stigma / stamens as sharply focused as possible to contrast them with the out of focus flower petals.  The outline of the petals framing the inside was a bonus.  I’ll let the reader figure out what other techniques I used in this image (hint:  I’ve written about it before).

So – go ahead.  Ask your significant other if you can borrow the bouquet.

© 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

In Defense of Post Processing

This is another article on technique. It’s not so much a “how-to”. It is more of a defense or justification.
The Mayberry Cafe - Danville, In.
The Mayberry Cafe – Danville, Indiana (final B&W image)

We have a few people in our Photography Interest Group that are relatively new to high end DSLRs. They’re used to point & shoot cameras and one question I hear quite often is “why post process?”. Their argument seems to be that the photos “straight out of the camera” (SOOC) are much better than they were with their old cameras and they don’t understand why anyone should waste time learning about software and processing photos on their computers. I even have one friend that uses the “I’m feeling lucky” button whenever photos need some adjustment.

Now, I’ve been using Photoshop since sometime in the ’90s, so I really have to stop and think when someone questions why they should use photo software. My answer comes down to: Control, Quality, and Change.

Control: If you understand post processing, know what your software is capable of, and have the skills to use the software, then you can take control from your camera and choose how your photos will be processed and what their final appearance will be. You decide exposure curves, fill light, sharpening and noise reduction levels, etc. Or even color vs. black and white.

Quality: If you want the best results, post processing allows you to optimize things (e.g. selective noise reduction and sharpening, various filters). You also can try different approaches and use the one that works best.

Change: Especially if you use RAW format, you have the ability to modify many of your settings after you make the photo. And if you need to adjust some parameters (e.g. white balance, saturation, exposure) you can do so after the shot. Also, software constantly improves – witness how much better recent noise reduction algorithms are today than even a few years ago. As the software improves you can apply the updated versions to your existing photos to keep making them even better.

Here’s an example that might illustrate the possibilities. I like to make photos that are “timeless” in the sense that they could have been made a while ago, or don’t give away when they were made. I saw this dinner and old sheriff’s car as I drove through a small town in Indiana. I thought the scene might make a good photo and since I had my camera in the car, I went around the block and made this image hand held through the open window as I passed by a second time:

The Mayberry Cafe – Danville, Indiana (SOOC)

This copy above is SOOC – nice, but too much clutter, and kind of drab. I post-processed it to remove the clutter, selectively reduce noise in the clouds, adjust white balance and exposure, add saturation, etc. Here’s the result:

The Mayberry Cafe – Danville, Indiana (post processed)

This is a lot cleaner, the clouds and sky are brought out, and the colors and contrast are better. Could I have done this in the camera? Some of it. Would the results have been as good? I really doubt it. And if I want, I can keep reprocessing a photo whenever I learn a new technique or get some new software. Should you reprocess every photo? Of course not – if you did you wouldn’t have time to make any more photos. But you definitely need to make an effort when a photo shows some promise.

Finally, I thought this image would be more “timeless” as a black and white photo, so I converted the image above to get the result at the beginning of this post. If you’d only seen the B&W photo, when would you think it was made?

© 2007 & 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Catching up

Hello again, readers!  I apologize for a somewhat lengthy post, but today I wanted to catch you up on photo related happenings over the last couple of weeks – so there are several topics worth mentioning.

Circle B Bar Reserve

A week ago (Saturday, 22 Jan), I returned to the Circle B Bar over in Lakeland Florida with the Photography Interest Group.  The first time I wrote about this place, I said: “I’ve only been to the Circle B once, and need to go several more times to get an idea of how consistent the photo ops there are.”  Well, the second visit lived up to the first, starting with a quite pretty dawn:

Dawn at the Circle B Bar Reserve

Dawn at the Circle B Bar Reserve

One of the highlights of this trip was seeing a Barred Owl and getting a relatively good photo of it.  The owl was high in a tree and ended up attracting quite a crowd before it got tired of us and flew off.  The lighting was a bit tough – I’m glad I had my flash and Better Beamer ready.

Barred Owl watches photographersBarred Owl watches photographers

We also sighted Ospreys, Red Shouldered Hawks, a Red Bellied Woodpecker, Whistling Ducks, and many other birds.  Unfortunately, the beautiful yellow sunflowers that were all over the place last time are no longer there.  They are seasonal and to see them you’ll have to return around mid to late November next year.  All in all, a very nice trip and the Circle B definitely lived up to its reputation once again.  You can look at more of my photos from the Circle B in this set on Flickr.

Black Point Wildlife Drive

Yesterday, I visited Black Point again.  I’m not sure why, but this place seems to be really great for photos with reflections.  Quite often the water is extremely calm and you can see scenes like these:

Clear day, calm water 1Clear day, calm water

Spoonbill and reflectionSpoonbill and reflection

There was a lot of activity at Black Point.  We spotted an otter, Hooded Mergansers, Belted Kingfishers, Hawks, and many other species.  We also paused for a while to watch a pair of Ospreys fishing.  They were too far away for good photos, and never came closer even though we had fish jumping out of the water right in front of us!  You can look at more of my photos from Black Point in this set on Flickr.

Scrub Ridge Trail

A couple of weeks ago on Flickr, I saw some very nice photos of Florida Scrub Jays, made by “moonfloweryoli“.  I commented on them and she mentioned a trail in Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge where she saw them.  This led us to an add a second expedition to yesterday’s  Black Point visit.  We wanted to try to observe this unique species that only lives here in Florida.  To make a long story short, we tried hard, but we never saw any.  We’ll have to go back and try again.  Kevin K. did make this image to document our search:

Wilbur and Donuts looking for the hard to find Florida Scrub Jays“Wilbur” and “Donuts” looking for the hard to find Florida Scrub Jay (image courtesy of Kevin Krause);  Your humble author is the one on the left.

Alligator Farm and Gatorland blogs

A quick update for those of you looking for info on the St. Augustine Alligator Farm or Gatorland.  I reported back in November that Gatorland was canceling its photographer early entry program.  The Gatorland Blog hasn’t been updated since then, so it’s a bit hard to find out what’s going on at that park.

Meanwhile, the St. Augustine Alligator Farm announced they would continue their photographer early entry program.  They’ve been running a mailing list on Yahoo where you could find information, and last week they announced that they’ll be discontinuing this and starting a blog of their own.  It’s now up and running, check it out.

Sigma 150 – 500

Finally, here’s an equipment update.  I’ve been doing much of my bird photography since early last year with a Sigma 150 – 500 OS lens.  I’ve been very happy with it and one of my few complaints was that the Optical Stabilization was a bit noisy.  Lately, it’s developed a “chatter” where it sounds like the OS motor is vibrating back and forth.  While it does this, you can see the image vibrating through the viewfinder.  I called Sigma and they said to send it back.  So I’ll be without it for a while.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.

That’s all for today.  Thanks for stopping by.

© 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Two Image Pano / HDR / Focus Stacking


It’s been a while since I posted an in depth technique article, so I thought I’d do another one.  Warning: Major photo geek out ahead.  If you’re not into HDR, panoramas, post processing, etc. please move along.

OK, now that it’s just us photo nerds left, wanna see some sausage made?  Let’s get started.

My question to you:  What if you want more pixels in your final image, more dynamic range in both highlights and shadows, and better depth of field, all by using a much simpler technique than you might normally use?  How would you go about it?  I’ll explain one approach I used recently to make this lead photo from my previous post:

Sunrise at Viera WetlandsFinished image (click to view on Flickr)

I made this with a 12 megapixel Nikon D700, but my final image file is 4238 pixels wide by 5776 pixels tall (about 24.5 Megapixels).  It has good depth of field with objects from very close out to the horizon in focus.  It also has good dynamic range with both the ground and the sunrise & clouds well exposed.


If you were going to create an image like this using conventional techniques, it could require 6 or more exposures.  You’d mount your camera on a tripod and manual focus. You might analyze the scene to decide on an optimum exposure.  Then you’d make three bracketed exposures around that, first of the lower portion of the image, then shifting your camera viewpoint up toward the clouds – three more bracketed exposures.  Then you’d use panorama software to combine the three pairs of images at each exposure value, followed by HDR software to combine the three resulting panoramas into an HDR file and tone map it.  You might have to play with the result quite a bit to eliminate noise, ghosting, etc. introduced by the HDR software.  And if you wanted to stretch the depth of field, you might go through this twice with different focus points, and combine them too.  In some situations, you could also try using graduated neutral density filters to control dynamic range.

Whew – that could be a whole lot of work!  I didn’t do all that.  Instead, I used a much simpler idea.  Basically, I just combined two images manually in Photoshop.

If you’re still with me, read on (it might look complicated, but it’s actually harder to read about than do).  Here are the details.

  1. I hand held my camera and used an image stabilized lens so I didn’t have to worry too much about longer exposures.  The camera was in landscape orientation.  I used aperture priority, with matrix metering auto exposure, and auto focus using the center focus point.  When I made these, I held my camera very carefully to make sure there was no side to side movement and that the horizon was level so there was no rotation between shots, and I made sure there was at least 30% vertical overlap between the two images.  I also shot in RAW mode for the best dynamic range and control over processing.
  2. For this first photo, I pointed at the sky and let the camera auto expose for the bright clouds and sunrise.  It also auto focused on the clouds in the middle of the frame.  It’s at 16 mm, ISO 200, and f/8 @ 1/160 sec.  Here’s the unprocessed RAW source image for the sky:
  3. RAW source image for the sky
  4. For this second photo I pointed down at the ground and this time the camera exposed for the dark foreground.  It auto focused on the ripples in the water just short of the first coot  (again in the middle of the frame).  It’s at 16 mm, ISO 200, and f/8 @ 1/25 sec. (almost 3  stops more exposure).  Here’s the unprocessed RAW source image for the ground:
  5. RAW source image for the ground
  6. Then I processed the RAW photos.  I used Capture NX2 and converted them to TIF, but you could use Photoshop to convert them and not need CaptureNX2.  I set picture control to neutral, white balance to daylight, enabled distortion correction, and tried to bring both photos closer in overall brightness.  Here are the two processed images:
  7. Sky image after RAW conversion
    Ground image after RAW conversion
  8. Next I loaded the files into Photoshop as separate layers in the same file, and used Photoshop’s Edit / Auto Align Layers function to place the two images relative to each other.
  9. At this point, I added a layer mask (reveal all) for the sky image and then painted black to remove the portions below the horizon that I didn’t need.  It was fairly easy to blend the images by changing the brush opacity and either erasing or painting in until it looked correct.
  10. The final steps then are the same ones used for any photo:  crop, sharpen, levels, apply any creative filters you like, etc.

Once you go through this a few times, it’ll be easier and you can, of course vary some of these steps based on your own preferences.


I think this “Two Image Pano / HDR / Focus Stacking” technique can be really useful and it has several advantages over standard approaches normally used for this kind of image.


  • It’s simpler than conventional techniques, and yields very good results.
  • You can hand hold in many cases, especially if you use an image stabilized camera or lens.
  • It uses the camera’s auto exposure effectively to expose correctly for the different areas of the image.
  • You can post process with just Photoshop – other software isn’t required.
  • It greatly increases the dynamic range of the final image without requiring HDR processing or software.  It doesn’t require a straight line horizon like graduated neutral density filters would.
  • Depth of field can be increased over that in a single exposure or in a conventional pano / HDR approach.
  • It also substantially increases vertical field of view.


This technique is situation dependent: It’ll only produce portrait or perhaps square orientation output images (although you’ll have lots of pixels to crop to other formats).  It only works where the scene is easily divided into two portions where the brightness varies vertically.  Also,the dynamic range increase available from just two images may not be enough in all situations.

So, should you use it?

Why not?  Under the right conditions, it can generate very good results with minimal effort.  Now that you’ve heard about this technique, you can watch for scenes where you may be able to use it.

Then you can try it – and please let me know how it works for you.

© 2011, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Jim Goldstein’s Best Photo Project

Since 2007, Jim Goldstein has been organizing a “your best photos” project among the readers of his blog. I participated last year and this year, and I’m grateful to Jim for organizing this.

The 2010 results were published today, and the images from all of these photographers are outstanding and well worth a look.  You can read more on Jim’s blog here: Best Photos of 2010 by JMG-Galleries Blog Readers

NOTE:  Maintaining links this old has gotten hard as of 2019. So I’ve had to delete the web references.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

via JMG-Galleries and

    1. – JMG-Galleries
    2. Best Photos of 2010 by Matthias Wassermann –
    3. Exploring Light -Top Photos 2010 – Chris Moore
    4. My Top Ten Photos for 2010 – Tom Varden
    5. My Top Ten Photos of 2010 | Craig’s Musings – Craig Vitter
    6. Top 10 Photos for 2010 | Dobson Central – Ken Dobson
    7. Best Photos of 2010 – Carol Bauer
    8. My Best photos from 2010 – Janis Janums
    9. My Best Photos of 2010 – David Daylor |
    10. 2010 – Year In Review – Jon McCormack Photography – Jon McCormack
    11. S Zacharias: Best of 2010 – Stephen Zacharias
    12. 2010 Photos – David Hernandez
    13. Iceman Photography – Top 10 in 2010
    14. Best of 2010 – Dave Wilson
    15. Skolai Images – Bears of 2010 – Carl Donohue
    16. My Best Photos From 2010 – Art Kuntz
    17. 2010 in Review – Jay Goodrich
    18. – Sven Seebeck ***
    19. Lunchisoptional: Favorites of Year: 2010 Edition — Ken Trout
    20. My ten favorite photos of 2010 – Stefan Bäurle
    21. Top 10 of 2010 – Behind The Clicks – Mohammad Noman
    22. Top Ten Photos Of 2010 – Jed Link
    23. 2010 in Review – kRiZ cPEc Photo Blog
    24. Best Photos 2010 – Chuq Von Rospach
    25. My Favorite Photos of 2010 – Ed Rosack
    26. 2010 Favorites
    27. Favorites of 2010 – Kevin Moore
    28. Top 10 of 2010 from BlazingB Photography – Bill Pennington ***
    29. My Favorite Photos of 2010 – Mike Criss ***
    30. My faves from 2010 – Matt Smith
    31. My favourite shots of 2010 – Catalin Marin | Momentary Awe ***
    32. 2010 a Year in Review, My Top 10 Memorable/Favorite shots – Mike Criswell
    33. Craig Ferguson Images – A Year In Photos – Craig Ferguson
    34. Top 50 Images from 2010 and Goal Setting – Mike Cavaroc
    35. Jim’s Photography – Jim Wheeler
    36. – The best of 2010 – David Sharp
    37. StephenWeaver Photography/Earth Systems Imaging-Stephen G. Weaver
    38. Best of 2010 – Changing Perspectives – Jenni Brehm
    39. Best of 2010 – Thomas Kneppeck
    40. 2010 Favorite Images – Alpenglow Images – Greg Russell
    41. Best Images of 2010 – Peter Cox Photography – Peter Cox
    42. Best of 2010| Simon Says – Simon Ponder
    43. My Favorites Shots of 2010 – Fine Art Prints – Jeff Colburn
    44. Mountain and Climbing Photography – Alexandre Buisse
    45. Siam In Contrast 2010 – Adrian Young
    46. Olivier Du Tré | 2010 in review (black and white)
    47. John Dunne Photography | My Top 10 Favourite Images of 2010 – John Dunne
    48. Best of 2010 Flickr Set – Tony Rath
    49. Top 10 from 2010 – Behind-the-lens-lukey – Luke Weymark
    50. Evan Gearing Photography’s Top 10 of 2010 – Evan Gearing
    51. 2010 Photos in Review: Water – Rebecca R Jackrel ***
    52. Justin Korn [dot] com – Best of 2010 – Justin Korn
    53. My Best Photos of 2010: Learning and Growing> – D. Travis North
    54. Uncommon Depth – Roberta Murray
    55. Organic Light Photography Best of 2010 – Youssef Ismail / Organic Light Photography
    56. The Best of 2010 – – Neil McShane
    57. My Best of 2010 – Larry Rosenstein
    58. Will Wohler Photography: 2010 A Year in Review – Will Wohler
    59. digitizedchaos – best of 2010 – rian castillo
    60. My Top 10 from 2010 – Chaz Curry Photography ***
    61. My best underwater photos 2010 – Suzy Walker ***
    62. Favorite Photographs From 2010 – Fine Art Landscape Photography of Seung Kye Lee ***
    63. Best photos from 2010 – Amanda Herbert
    64. Wrapping Up 2010: My Favorite Photographs – Ivan Makarov Photography
    65. Graf Nature Photography | Reflections on 2010 photographs – MARK GRAF
    67. Pat O’Brien Photography – A Look Back at 2010 – Pat O’Brien
    68. G Dan Mitchell – 2010 Favorites – G Dan Mitchell ***
    69. Favorite Photo of 2010 – –Derek Griggs
    70. Crest, Cliff & Canyon – Jackson Frishman
    71. 2010 In Review – – Peter McCabe ***
    72. Favorite Photos from 2010 – In the Field Photo Blog – Richard Wong ***
    73. Year in Review Best Photos of 2010 – Matt Graham Photo Blog – Matt Graham
    74. Elizabeth Brown Photography PhotoBlog: Ten Favorite Photos of 2010 – Elizabeth Brown
    75. My Top Photos of 2010 – Jonesblog – Bryan William Jones
    76. latoga photograph: My Favorite Photos of 2010 – Greg A. Lato
    77. Best of 2010 Images – Rob Tilley
    78. Living Wilderness: 12 Best from 2010 – Kevin Ebi ***
    79. Highlights of 2010 – TO KNOW MORE WEB JOURNAL – KENT MEARIG ***
    80. My Best Photos of 2010 – Michael Russell | Michael Russell Photography
    81. Best Photographs of 2010 – Chuck Goolsbee
    82. Favourite Photos from 2010 – Tim Smalley
    83. My Best 10 Photos 2010 – A Reconnection to Nature – Mark Fenwick
    84. Best of 2010 – Quotidian Photography – Jessica Sweeney
    85. My Top Images of 2010 – ANDREW KEE
    86. A Photo A Day… Done! – WelliverPhotography – Beth Welliver
    87. Batsto Village – Louis Dallara Photo Blog – Louis Dallara
    88. Best 10 of 2010 – John Wall’s Natural California ***
    89. 10 from 2010 on the Ann-alog – Ann Torrence ***
    90. Favorite Photos from 2010 – My Photo Blog – Ron Niebrugge ***
    91. My favorite photos 2010 on Flickr – Markus Heinisch ***
    92. My best photos of 2010 – Mike Hellers
    93. Dave Reichert’s Best Of 2010 – Dave Reichert
    94. Photographs: 2010 Revisited – Joseph Szymanski
    95. Best Pics 2010 on Flickr – Michael Rubin
    96. My 10 Best Shots of 2010 – ROBIN BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY – ROBIN BLACK
    97. Top 10 from 2010 – Anne McKinnell
    98. Vanilla Days – Best of 2010 – Pete Carr
    99. Top Photos of 2010 – Gary Crabbe / Enlightened Images ***
    100. Top Images from 2010 – Russ Bishop | Nature Photo Blog
    101. Favourite photos from 2010 – Bryn Tassell ***
    102. 10 Best Photos of 2010 by Scott Thompson – Scott Thompson
    103. My Top 10 photos of 2010 – Alexander S. Kunz ***
    104. My 10 Best for 2010 – Dan Baumbach ***
    105. Unified Photography – Best Photos of 2010 – Ken Snyder
    106. 5 From 2010 – Contemporary Wildlife Photography – David Lloyd
    107. Top 10 Photos of 2010 – Steven Bourelle Digital Arts
    108. 2010 Top Ten Photos – Andrew S Gibson
    109. 2010 Reflections – Dru Stefan Stone – Dru-Color My World
    110. Best of 2010 – Dave Hammaker
    111. Top 20 of 2010 – Jenna Stirling
    112. Top Travel Photos of 2010 – Matt Long
    113. Best of 2010 – Stephen Davey
    114. Landscape Photography Blogger My Favorite Photos of 2010 – David Leland Hyde ***
    115. Views Infinitum – Best of 2010 – Scott Thomas
    116. One Per Trip – Favorite Travel Photos From 2010 – The Carey Adventures – PETER WEST CAREY
    117. Best of 2010 – I Love It, SF – Kara Murphy
    118. My top 10 pictures from 2010 – Duffy Knox
    119. Burrard-Lucas Photography – Will & Matt Burrard-Lucas ***
    120. Hank Christensen Photography Top 10 2010 – Hank Christensen
    121. My Best Photos from 2010 – 365-1/4 Sra
    122. Top Ten Images of 2010 – Michael Frye ***
    123. Jono Hey’s Best of 2010 on Flickr – JONO HEY
    124. My Favorite Photographs from 2010 – Stories From Home –David Patterson ***
    125. My 2010 Best Images of California and Arizona – Steve Sieren ***
    126. My Top 10 Landscapes of 2010 – Andre Leopold
    127. Best of 2010 set on Flickr – Erik Turner
    128. This was 2010 on Flickr – Jeffrey Van Daele
    129. Top 10 of 2010 – Brian Mangano
    130. Best Photos of 2010 – KBTImages – Kevin Thornhill
    131. Best Photos of 2010 – The Sun Shines & The Igloo Melts
    132. Top 10 of 2010 – Chad Griggs
    133. Best Photos of 2010 – WASEEF AKHTAR
    134. My Favorite Images from 2010 – Outdoor Exposure Photography by Sean Bagshaw – Sean Bagshaw ***
    135. My Best Shots of 2010 – Annika Ruohonen Photography – Annika Ruohonen
    136. Top sights from 2010 – Mariana Travieso Bassi
    137. Year 2010 in Korwel Photography – Iza Korwel
    138. WISCONSIN SUMMER – Jarrod Erbe
    139. Best Photos of 2010 – Jim Stamates
    140. Top 10 of 2010 – Younes Bounhar
    141. Light on the Landscape Photoblog/My Favorite Images of 2010 – WILLIAM NEILL ***
    142. My Best Photos of 2010 – Itsa a greyt day for a photo – Terri Jacobson
    143. Listening to Nature Photography Blog by Rhoda Maurer – RHODA MAURER ***
    144. My favorites of 2010 – David Richter
    145. Best of 2010 – View from the Little Red Tent – Edie Howe
    146. tmophoto best of 2010 – Thomas O’Brien
    147. Best Photos Of 2010 – Dawnstar Australis – Daniel McNamara
    148. Top 10 of 2010 – Cranial Aperture – Jeffrey Yen
    149. 10 Best Favorites of 2010 – Sudheendra Kadri ***
    150. Flickr – Best of 2010 – Chris Arts
    151. Flickr: Best of 2010 – Heidi Donat
    152. Best Photo of 2010 – Anton Huo
    153. Best of 2010 – Travel & Landscape – Eugene Cheng
    154. Preetalina Photography: 2010 Favorites – Preeti Desai
    155. Hidden Light Photography 2010 Favorites – Alan Williams
    156. 5Mae 2010 Favourites Flickr Set – Sarah-Mae
    157. Best Photos of 2010 – John Fujimagari ***
    158. Best of 2010 – Paavani Bishnoi
    159. Best Photos of 2010 – Phil Colla ***
    160. 100 Favorites from 2010 – Patrick J. Endres ***
    161. Top Ten Of 2010 – Steve Cole Photography
    162. Some of My Favorite Images From 2010
    163. Clark Crenshaw Photography ***

Goodbye, Kodachrome – we'll miss you.

Madonna, Child, tulips

Kodachrome slide made in Munich, Germany in May of 1980.

Kodak discontinued the manufacture of Kodachrome slide film in 2009 and yesterday, the last Kodachrome film processing machine in the world (at Dwayne’s Photo in Parson, Kansas) was shut down.  You had to be careful with it – but when well exposed, Kodachrome rewarded us with wonderful, detailed slides that exploded onto projection screens.

Kodachrome is also known for its storage longevity.  I re-scanned one of my Kodachrome slides today to see how well it’s held up since I made it over 30 years ago – quite well, I think.  I don’t have many other things still around that I owned that long ago.  Do you?

Madonna, Child, tulips

Madonna, Child, tulips

©1980, 2010, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

My Favorite Photos of 2010

I hope that all of you and your families and friends are having a joyful and happy holiday season!

The weather has been pretty gloomy here this weekend, so I didn’t get a chance to go out and make any new photos. I thought it would be a good time to jump the gun and put together my second annual “Favorite photos of the year” post.

One again, I’ve gone through the photos I made in the last 12 months. I use Lightroom to rate them from 0 through 5 stars. My rating system definitions are:

  • 1 star – The photo is interesting
  • 2 stars – The photo is worth showing to others
  • 3 stars – The photo is the best of (or one of the best of ) any given photo shoot
  • 4 stars – My favorite photo of a year
  • 5 stars – My favorite photo (ever)

Photos without stars are seconds or not so good versions of other photos. I usually keep them, but they probably won’t get any more attention. I’ve used this system consistently, and it seems to work for me. Of course, this is all subjective and my opinion only. Feel free to disagree, but I hope you’ll enjoy looking at the ones I’ve chosen.

Again in 2010, I was really blessed with a huge number of photo opportunities. On my hard drive in my 2010 folder, I have about 11,700 files (not all are photos), taking up 145GB of space. Of these:

  • 5997 of the 2010 images have been cataloged in Lightroom. Many of the rest are source images for multi-shot panoramas or HDRs, or high rate bursts that I selected from.
  • 1139 are rated 1 star or higher
  • 639 are 2 star or higher
  • 88 are 3 star or higher
  • 1 is 4 star, and
  • None are 5 star (I’m still not done taking photos yet!)

Of the 88 that are 3 star or higher, I’ve selected 10 images to include in a gallery of my favorite 2010 photos. You can click on each of these to go to Flickr, where you can see a larger version. One interesting difference from my 2009  Favorite Photos post is that all the ones this year were made in the Central Florida area.

So, here we go…

My #10 favorite 2010 photo is: Waving Gator. Gators always smile at you, but this one was even waving! No, I didn’t Photoshop the wave. The gator really did it all by itself. I have witnesses.

Momma gator guarding nest and 4 (blurry) babies

My #9 favorite 2010 photo is: Roadside Flowers. Wildflower photography is a little different in Central Florida than some other areas of the country. Some might say it’s more challenging here, and I doubt anyone comes to Central Florida specifically to photograph wildflowers. None the less, wildflower photo ops are around here too if you keep your eyes open. These are along the Florida Turnpike. I saw them while driving home from Gainesville, Florida and just had to stop and photograph them.

Roadside flowers (IMG_0713)

My #8 favorite 2010 photo is: Cattle Egret in Flight. For once, I was ready when this bird flew close by. Right lens, correct camera settings, and paying attention. I could almost feel my camera nail the shot. I wish I felt like that more often.

Cattle Egret in flight

My #7 favorite 2010 photo is: One Second Koi or “One second, Koi” or “One second Koi?” I don’t usually make this sort of photo. On this occasion, I decided to experiment and I was very pleased with how it turned out.

One Second Koi

My #6 favorite 2010 photo is: Sunrise, fog, palms, pond. This scene is close to the north-west shore of Lake Jessup. On this particular morning, the mist in the distance and the clouds on the horizon shaping the sunlight drew my attention.

Sunrise, fog, palms, pond

My #5 favorite 2010 photo is: Burning waters @ Orlando Wetlands. We were at Orlando Wetlands Park back in late September before dawn. It was raining very softly, but not enough to discourage us from hiking out to Lake Searcy and capturing this scene. I like the light hitting the flowers on the left, the rain cloud in the distance, and the dawn colors in the sky.

Burning waters @ Orlando Wetlands

My #4 favorite 2010 photo is: Grasshopper and Donuts perform photo-magic on the beach under the stars for an audience of three.

We have a local camera club and three of us decided to go over to the beach to try to photograph the Perseid meteor shower. My two friends went out on the beach while I stayed up on the boardwalk. At one point I looked down and could barely make out this scene in the dark. I like the way the camera’s LCD is lit up and draws the viewer’s eye to the two photographers. I also like how the three strangers (who were watching for meteors) look like they’re watching my friends.

I was using ISO 1600 and my “nifty 50” 50mm lens at f/1.8 to keep exposures as short as possible (I was trying to prevent the stars from trailing), and I had focused manually at infinity. All I had to do was switch on live-view, re-compose, and zoom in on my friend’s white shirt to manually re-focus. Fortunately no one moved very much during the 4 second exposure. It’s really amazing how modern cameras can capture scenes that are barely visible to our eyes! And yes, we did get a few meteor photos. (Grasshopper and Donuts are nicknames for the two photographers in the scene).

Grasshopper and Donuts perform photo-magic on the beach under the stars for an audience of three.

My #3 favorite 2010 photo is: Cyprus tree and knees. I wanted to try the Nikon D7000 on some landscape photos, but didn’t really have time to go anywhere special. This tree is very close to my home – along the shore of Lake Jessup in Central Winds Park. Cypress trees make very good photo subjects since they can provide both near and middle distance content for a scene.

Cyprus tree and knees

My #2 favorite 2010 photo is: Cormorant at the Circle Bar B. These birds have been posing for me lately. I think it’s amazing how pretty they look in the right light.


And … my #1 favorite photo of the year 2010 is: Ponce Inlet light, sunset, bird. Imagine if you will, a perfect dusk scene with sunset colors drifting up from beyond the horizon. In the distance is a photogenic lighthouse that’s illuminated just enough to make it stand out against the bright sky. Beneath your feet, slow-moving Atlantic Ocean surf rolls up on rocks. You spot a bird in the surf and hope it will be still while your shutter remains open for the seconds necessary to record the image as your mind’s eye sees it – tack sharp from foreground rocks all the way to the distant lighthouse, with silky smooth water reflecting the dusk sky. Imagine coming home and seeing the image that you imagined right there on your computer screen in all it’s glory. That’s what happened to me last August.

Ponce Inlet lighthouse, sunset, bird

I’ve uploaded these photos to this Flickr set, and you can click this link to watch a slide show. When you watch the show, you might want to click the “show info” link.

Thanks for looking.

All content ©2010, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.