Category Archives: Blogging

I’ve added a Table of Contents / Index …

The blog has been up and going for almost three years and this is my 75th post. I’ve covered a broad variety of (mostly) photo related subjects.

I tag my blog posts depending on where they’re located. You’ve always been able to filter the blog by clicking on these (and other) tags in the side bar on the right side of each blog page.

With so many entries it’s becoming harder to find information, so I decided to add a Table of Contents / Index page to organize the photo-op information and make it easy to find. You’ll see a permanent link to it at the top of the blog.

Although I can’t promise to keep blogging forever, I do very much enjoy sharing my experiences and I hope to continue for a long time. Your comments and constructive criticism on how to improve the blog, or suggestions for places to visit are always welcome. And if you have questions on the area, please feel free to ask. I’ve lived in here for many years, and just may have the answer you’re looking for. Leave a comment or email me at