Happy Holidays 2024!

Two things this week:

1. Happy Holidays

Hello readers and season’s greetings to each of you! I hope everyone can visit with family and friends and enjoy this wonderful time of year. Here’s a photo of the tree near the main entrance to our building. I think it looks marvelous!

Happy Holidays 2024!Happy Holidays 2024!

2. Visit to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

I also wanted to share some photos from my last trip to MINWR (13 December). Winter is a good time to visit and the activity over there has started to pick up. Here are a few samples of the things I saw, first a landscape:

Early morning view of the causeway and clouds leading into the refuge
(from Veterans Memorial Park)

And here’s some of the wildlife I spotted:

Wetland PhoebeWetland Phoebe

Snowies on a missionSnowy Egrets on a Mission

Redish EgretChilly Redish Egret

Roseate SpoonbillYoung Roseate Spoonbill

Northern ShovelerNorthern Shoveler

Wet wingsWet Wings (a typical Cormorant pose)

Hooded MergansersHooded Mergansers

GatorLurking Gator

Feral HogFeral Hog

Thanks to everyone for stopping by my blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Make some memories (with photos!).

©2024, Ed Rosack and MK Rosack. All rights reserved

14 thoughts on “Happy Holidays 2024!

  1. I love that young Spoonbill. I am going to be on the lookout for those when we drive over to the Gulf soon. You take amazing photos! I take a lot…not all that great but I sure enjoy looking back at them. Happy New Year!

  2. Ed, I love the early morning view of the causeway landscape photo from your trip to Merritt Island NWR. Those clouds sure do pack a punch and feels like the picture draws you in! I also adore how you captured the young Roseate Spoonbill. Such a fun and dynamic moment!

    1. Thank you Laura. I seem to have good luck with the clouds there. I think it has something to do with the close shoreline / ocean.

      That was my first Spoonbill of the year. I hope to see many more!

  3. Happy New Year, Ed!

    Lovely photographs. Looking forward to returning to the outdoors after Santa brought both my wife and I heart surgeries for Christmas. Not the holiday season we had planned.

    Take care. See you out there.

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