In my last post, I mentioned stopping to see Kevin M. in Chattanooga and that he gave me back the very same Nikon D90 that was my primary camera in 2008 and 2009. Thanks again, Kevin!
The camera is in fine shape and after buying some inexpensive after market batteries I was ready to try it out – again. I took it along on a recent outing to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. This small pond is near the west entrance to Gator Creek Road and has an easterly view at dawn over the water.

The only Nikon lens I still have is an even older 50mm f/1.8, so I used it for this image. It’s a stitched panorama from 2 rows of 8 frames resulting in a final image size of 9732×7462 pixels (72.6M Pixels in a 4×5 aspect ratio). I used my latest workflow and software and I think it came out pretty nice for 16+ year old tech!
I did notice that the auto focus capabilities are nowhere near as good as current cameras. And the resolution (12 MegaPixels) is pretty low too. But the dynamic range, color, and noise performance held up very well – especially with RAW files run through modern software.
It was a lot of fun to use the D90 again. I was surprised by how comfortable I was with the controls after so long. It was a very good camera when it was released. And it’s still an impressive camera now. Will I take it out and use it sometimes? Yes, for old times sake. But I’m not going to give up my Sony gear!
If you click on this image, you can see a higher resolution version on Flickr along, with EXIF info and a map showing the location.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos – even with old gear!
©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
It is kind of like going shooting with an old friend! What a beautiful image!
Thank you Dorothy. I like the image too. It was a little bit like that.
Hope you are doing well.
You sure had a beautiful place to photograph! It’s fun to try something new…or old! Enjoy your week. I had my camera fog up when I got out of my vehicle one day this week! lol I know you can appreciate that! HA!
It is a pretty spot Diane. I know exactly what you mean about cameras fogging up. Mine did the same thing that morning.
I hope you have a good week too.
A very lovely image!
It is good to know some old relics can still perform at advanced ages. Now, if I can just get my brain and body to agree with that!
Thanks Wally.
I know exactly what you mean – my mind and body need convincing too.
I remember the D90, my second digital DSLR as I upgraded from the D70. Spent many a year with the 90 until the 7000 line came out (been through many of those). The 90 was definitely a workhorse for me in the day.
Hey Brian,
Like you, the D90 was my second DSLR and then I also moved to a D7000. But I started with a D80 instead of the D70.
Digital cameras have been quite an experience!