After my Stroll in the Dark through downtown Winter Park, I stopped at the close by Mead Botanical Gardens for a second leisurely walk. It’s a 47 acre natural habitat preserve that’s popular with local birders and a relaxing place to wander. This Marsh Rabbit helped me out with an image to post on Easter:

And this pond always makes for a nice photo:

Mead Gardens is popular birding spot especially during migration. As I walked, I was trying in vain to let my nascent birding skills expose themselves. But then I heard an unfamiliar call…
When I took out my phone and tried sound ID on the Merlin Bird ID app, it said it was a Great Crested Flycatcher. I’d only seen one once before when Kevin M. pointed it out to me at Lake Apopka. The call was very distinctive and loud, so I used it to look for the bird. This one partially hidden and way up in a tree top seemed to be the one making the call:

Certainly not my best photo ever, but an exciting find! And a great demo of how the awesome Merlin app amplifies even my birding knowledge. If you haven’t tried it yet, do so – it’s a free app.
You can look through my (sparse) posts about Mead Gardens at this link: And I’ve collected Mead Gardens photos here:
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Your visits, comments, and likes are always welcome and a big motivator for me. Stay positive, be kind, take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, wander a bit out in nature – and make some photos!
©2022, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Always a pleasure to read your post!
Thank you Dorothy and it’s always a pleasure to read your comments too!
That’s a really terrific venue for bird migrants! Happy you nailed the flycatcher’s call.
I really like the photo of the pond. The hanging branches obscure the tops of the trees on the far shore but they are revealed in all their glory in the reflection! Very nice.
Easter weekend was quiet and peaceful, too much food at our daughter’s, wonderful conversation and now we’re ready for a week of nature photography!
Right after a visit to the pulmonologist. And the urologist. And the GP.
Getting old is no fun sometimes!
Thanks Wally. I like that pond too – I make a photo of it every time I’m there!
I know exactly what you mean about getting old – I’m right there with you.