Kevin M. and I have been going out photographing together since 2008 or 2009. But we hadn’t done so for a while. When he invited me to go with him to Lake Apopka yesterday, I eagerly agreed.
The morning didn’t start well. The weather forecast was poor and the fog on the drive up was discouraging too. But we’d agreed to go “rain or shine” and sometimes things work out.
Kevin is a much better birder than I am, and it was a treat to ride along with him, catch up, and look for birds together. Two heads (and two sets of eyes / ears) are better than one and we ended up sighting 34 species (see the list below). Here are photos of some of the things we saw:
Finding bitterns is fun. They’re usually well hidden, but this one was right out in the open and in good light too!

I don’t see Perigrines very often. It was way off in the distance but I managed to get an image ‘for the record’.

I first thought this next one was a Northern Harrier. Kevin had seen one just before. But thanks to a comment from Wally and a closer look, I think I was wrong about that.

Kevin pointed out this Common Gallinule (Moorhen) balancing on a reed and busily feeding on the seed head. It kept at it while we made some photos and looked like it was enjoying the snack.

Purple Gallinules seem to like Lake Apopka.

I’d heard about Gray-headed Swamphens and seen some images on Flickr. But I hadn’t ever encountered one myself. They’re non-native birds that first started appearing in south Florida in the 1990s and are spreading north. They’re very distinctive and this one knew how to pose.

Black-crowned Night-Herons were along the trail in a few spots. They were all in shadows back in the vegetation. This was the best photo I managed to make of one.

And finally, here’s a landscape photo of the pump house. I think the clouds we’d worried about add a lot of interest.

It was a great trip – catching up with a good friend and letting nature show us her wonders. The weather improved for most of the morning and it didn’t start raining until after lunch. Here are 34 species we took note of:
American Coots, Anhingas, Barn Swallows,
Belted Kingfisher, Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Black-crowned Night-Herons,
Black-necked Stilts, Blue-winged Teals, Boat-tailed Grackle,
Cattle Egrets, Common Gallinules, Common Ground-Doves,
Double Crested Cormorants, Fulvous Whistling-Ducks, Glossy Ibis,
Gray-headed Swamphens, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets,
Least Bitterns, Limpkins, Little Blue Heron,
Mourning Doves, Northern Cardinals, Northern Flicker,
Northern Harrier, Ospreys, Painted Bunting,
Peregrine Falcon, Purple Gallinules, Red-shouldered Hawk,
Red-winged Blackbirds, Snowy Egrets, Swamp Sparrow,
Tricolored Heron
And we also saw a lot of Alligators, several Marsh Rabbits, and a turtle.
If you click on these photos, you can view higher resolution versions on Flickr. And I have many more images from Lake Apopka in this album:
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my blog! Your visits, comments, and likes are always very welcome and a big motivator for me. Stay positive, be kind, take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, go out photographing – with a friend!
©2022, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Beautiful pictures! You always see something interesting there. It is a nice place to look around.
Thank you Dorothy. Lake Apopka is one of the great natural places around here now. They’ve done a really good job restoring it.
Thanks for the outing. Had a great time and it was a blessing to spend time with you my friend. Hopefully we can meet again and shoot or do another virtual outing. Take care sir and thanks. Your pics turned out great.
Thanks to you too, Kevin.
I couldn’t agree more – it was a great trip! Thanks for all your help with the birds.
And it was wonderful to spend a little time catching up with you. Hopefully, it won’t be as long until next time!
Amazing! The pump house doesn’t even look real! And the clouds do add so much to the photo! WOW! And we’ve missed seeing a Bittern this Spring but we’re on the lookout for one. You sure have a BIG list of bird sightings! What a fabulous day! Thanks for sharing some of your photos. I’ll see if I can access the others. Enjoy your week!
Thank you Diane – it was a very nice day out!
I looked at the other photos! Love the alligator! STEP BACK! heehee!
Yes the alligator looks close, but I had a great big telephoto lens to keep me safe (and far away)!
Simply superb photographs, Ed!
That place is just SO special. There is always something going on to grab your attention. My problem is the “kid in a candy store syndrome”, as I tend to find things to gawk at withing the first hundred yards and before I know it, it’s lunch time.
Your portrait of the pump house is really something! Gini’s ready to get out her oils and canvas!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks Wally! And thanks for your ID help too.
I agree with you about this place – there’s a lot to see.
If Gini is serious about wanting to paint the pump house, I’d be happy to send a high res file she could use.
Beautiful photography work. You have an amazing eye for great photos.
Well done!!
Thank you Edward – you’re very kind