We’ve been slowly (Lynn thinks too slowly!) making prints for our family room. We like metal prints and have been pleased with ones we’ve ordered from MPix. When they sent us a 25% off coupon last week, it was time for another order.
Having images tagged and organized in Lightroom is a big help for something like this. Using its filtering capabilities helped me quickly come up with some (too many) candidates. It was also easy to choose images based on size. I needed enough pixels for a quality larger print.

I spent a few minutes converting some I thought would look good to monochrome. I sorted them based on which ones I liked the best and then asked Lynn to help. We narrowed our B&W choices down to the ones you see below. They’re in date order, along with info about each.

In the end we liked the photo of the deer the best. I think we can appreciate looking at it for a while. Our print should get here next week – I hope it turns out as well as the others we’ve ordered from Mpix.
Do you make prints of your photos? Have you tried metal prints? How do you pick the ones you hang on your walls?
Header image: Lake Eola in downtown Orlando; January 2013; Single frame; 7348×5046
It looks like tropical storm Elsa is heading our way. If you’re in the projected path, stay up to date and stay safe.
And for those of you in the US, Happy Independence Day!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some prints!
©2021, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Those shots are just fabulous. I bet the metal prints will be a real joy. Well done you!
Thank you Rhona – you’re too kind!
I liked the deer image the best as well. Good choice!
Be safe and we will hope for the best with that storm coming! Happy Fourth to you as well! Love your blog!
Thanks so much, Dorothy
That first shot, with the cloud is jaw-dropping. Love the sunflower shot too…great job with the depth of field!
Many thanks Jeff. I blended multiple frames with different focus points to extend the depth of field.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. I always enjoy them.
I appreciate you stopping by the blog and commenting Maria – thank you!
That is a great selection for your print! I would have been very happy with any of those!
Thank goodness for Lightroom! Its organizational features are life-savers for me.
I go through much the same process in selecting images to print as you described. Reaching the point where I need more walls …
Independence Day was terrific! We burned meat, ate apple pie, spent time with our daughter and even managed to snag a portrait of a Bobwhite! A good day, indeed!
Have a great week. (I hope to be out looking for storm clouds. LOL!)
Thank you Wally.
We had a great weekend too, although we didn’t have any family around to visit with.
Stay safe this week while you look for those storm clouds!