Kevin M. asked if I wanted to go on a photo excursion yesterday and of course I agreed. Since I hadn’t been to the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive since before the pandemic, we ventured out there. It was a really good choice.
Two birds I don’t see very often were quite common: Black-necked Stilts and Least Bitterns. The Stilts were all along the drive. At first, they were way out in the water or flying in the distance. Eventually we found some much closer – and even had to wait for them to get out of the road!

There were some cute young ones toddling around too.

The Least Bitterns were taking cover in the reeds and occasionally flying from one hiding spot to another.

There were lots of other birds too. These nesting Anhingas were a treat. I don’t think I’ve seen them nesting since I visited the Everglades.

Kevin pointed out this next bird for me – one I’d never photographed before.

The LAWD Gate doesn’t open until 7am so we usually can’t get any blue hour or sunrise photos. But I always like to make a photo of the pump house. I hadn’t tried this perspective yet and I think it looks good in B&W with those clouds in the background.

We also saw Turtles, Alligators, a Marsh Rabbit, lots of dragonflies, a Blue Grosbeak (way, way far away!), a Downy Woodpecker, a Black-crowned Night Heron, Bank Swallows, Common Gallinules, Purple Gallinules (and babies), Ospreys, Red-winged Blackbirds, Green Herons, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Tri-colored Herons, Little Blue Herons, and many lovely flowers too. And I’m sure there were other things I’ve forgotten to mention or overlooked.
Every time I visit LAWD, I’m reminded what a wonderful nature spot it is and how I need to go there more often. I’ll try! You can see more of my photos from there in this album on Flickr:
Header image: A Black-necked Stilt in flight
Way back in 2009, a group of friends at work were all interested in photography and getting out into nature here in Central Florida. We started a “club” we called the Photography Interest Group. We’d go out together, make photos, and share info on cameras, techniques, locations, etc. Over the years, people drifted away: lost interest, moved, etc. Kevin and I are the last two active members. He’s going to move away soon. We’ll keep in touch of course and may even be able to go out photographing together at times. But it seems like the Photography Interest Group has faded away. It was good while it lasted! I’ll miss you Kevin!
The Photography Interest Group on Flickr:
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Cherish your family and friends. Take care of yourselves and each other. And if you still can, make some photos!
©2021, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Ed, I don’t know how many times I’ve driven by that same pumphouse and never once saw the photographic potential that you did. Great eye!
What a nice comment, Jeff – thank you!!
So nice to see! Thank you for sharing what is happening back home. Love those images!
Thanks and you are welcome, Dorothy! Hope things are well with you.
One could spend days along the LAWD!
The stilt and bittern are always special for me. I really like the pumphouse image!
Very nice series, Ed!
Thanks so much, Wally
Nice photos! Love the baby stilts. I definitely need to try this place.
It is a great place, Matthew. Every time I go, I say I need to go more often.