Have you ever had one of those photography outings? The kind where you’re not sure any of the photos will be worth the effort? Where it feels like you’re just going through the motions?
Hindsight: Perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred.
I hadn’t been to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge since March. The weather forecast when I got up at zero-dark-thirty last Thursday wasn’t good: Overcast, hot, and probably buggy because of the rain we’ve had recently. I went anyway and on the drive over, the clouds were pretty thick. I stopped at a favorite spot and made a few photos. The light was mostly dull, but there was a minute or so when the clouds lit up.

There wasn’t much wildlife along Gator Creek Road, but the sun was back-lighting some flowers along the water. I tried a few photos, hoping to catch the early morning colors in the background. The shadows of the stamen and stigma on the flower petal were a nice bonus!

The hot summer months aren’t the best time to see wildlife here in Central Florida and I didn’t spot much on Black Point Wildlife Drive, either. But I made a few photos of our colorful residents. The clouds made for diffuse light and soft shadows, although to get a good exposure, my ISO settings were running between 3200 and 6400. A little noise / grain in an image is better than no image, right?

There were lovely patches of wild flowers on Black Point too:

I normally see several Manatees at the Bairs Cove boat ramp. On Thursday I only got a brief glimpse of a single one. There’ve been reports of a lot of Manatee deaths this year. I wonder if that’s why. Anyway, while looking for them I found this place by the canal that I’d never noticed before. I liked the viewpoint.

Driving home Thursday morning my thoughts were mixed. I’d enjoyed getting out and seeing the refuge again, but I wasn’t sure I’d gotten any good photos. Most of what I remembered seeing in the view finder didn’t seem that great. When I started looking at them on the computer, I was happy with how they turned out. There’s something about the light that morning that appeals to me.
- You can’t know how a photo trip will turn out before you go. You can’t even be sure how much you’ll like the photos before you go through them.
- If it feels like you’re just going through the motions, go ahead and do your best. You might be surprised by the results.
- Hindsight could be another name for photography. Your photos let you perceive the significance and nature of a trip after it’s over.
- In hindsight, my morning was marvelous after all.
Header image: A panorama of the wetland across the road from the Black Point exit.
By the way, Happy Father’s Day to all Dad’s out there! Many thanks for everything you do to make the world a better place.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Take care of yourselves and each other. And when you can, make some photos!
©2021, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
What beautiful images and successful trip! Ain’t nature grand!!
Thanks Dorothy – yes, nature is definitely grand!
Looks like you had an excellent day and that morning sky is incredible.
Thank you Kathy. It was an excellent day, I just wasn’t sure until later!
All of your images, to me, “ooze” Florida! My day is better for having seen them.
That Gator Creek Road panorama is stunning! And the Morning Glories are special with the lavender backdrop. You turned a boat ramp into a luscious landscape – and that is an achievement!
One more “hindsight” note: “If you don’t go, you won’t have any photographs or memories at all.”
Father’s Day was great. Son visited from Texas and it was the first time in several years we had both kids in the house at the same time. Hope yours was good, too!
Thank you once again Wally – you’re too kind!
I agree with your comment about hindsight: just going is probably the most important ingredient for successful photography.
And yes, my Father’s Day was wonderful. We just saw all the kids last month, so on Sunday we enjoyed just talking / video chatting with them.