I hope you don’t mind a short post today. I’ve just recovered from a sore throat and laryngitis that I somehow caught in spite of all our pandemic precautions. It wasn’t serious and I’m feeling fine now, but I didn’t get a chance to go on any photo excursions last week.
Anyway, I made this image about a month ago in a favorite spot along the Indian River in Titusville.

It’s on the western shore, just south of Veterans Memorial Park. The light was changing that morning and I managed to make several photos that I like. For this one, I exposed one frame for the foreground and bracketed three more for the sky. I adjusted them in Lightroom and merged all four manually in Photoshop.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Take care of yourselves and each other. And when you can – make some photos!
©2021, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved
Hope all is well and your back to being yourself soon !!!
Thanks Chip. It lasted about 5 days and was a bit strange – no symptoms other than the sore throat.
It’s all gone now.I hope to get out photographing next week.
What a beautiful photograph! A true testament to the benefits of being on location early. I really like your treatment of the light and the final product is totally pleasing.
Sorry to hear about the sore throat. On the other hand, happy to hear it was JUST a sore throat!
Take care, Ed.
Since you missed getting out last week, you must now get out and photograph TWICE this week! 🙂
Thanks so much, Wally. I’m grateful it was just a sore throat too. We’ve been very careful for the past year. This is the first time either of us has been sick since the pandemic started.
Anyway, thanks for the motivation – I will be trying very hard to get out this week.