Orlando Wetlands Park – Feb. 7, 2025

I’d heard that the Spoonbills are back at Orlando Wetlands Park. Lutfi S., Frank B. and I went out to take a look. The header image shows how very foggy it was that morning. We had to deal with that and the resulting dim light, but I like how this environmental portrait turned out:

A pair of Spoonbills foraging by a Cypress in the fog

The boardwalk running across the water near the cypress trees gets you relatively close to where they’re nesting.

On the nestOn the nest

Sometimes they’ll repeat things and you can anticipate when and where they’ll be flying.

Building material

For a different look, I like this monochrome photo:

B&W SpoonbillB&W Spoonbill

There are other birds in the rookery too. This Great Egret in breeding plumage / colors was trying to interest a mate:

Displaying Egret

Woodstorks were also starting to “get busy”:

I didn’t see any Green Heron breeding behaviors, but this one looked nice enough for a photo:

That's an angry look...That’s an angry look…

We saw other things too, including Great Blue Herons, Limpkins, Red-winged Blackbirds, Tree Swallows, several warbler types, as well as a number of ducks – and of course some gators.

Despite the fog, it was a great visit! I think next time, I’ll try to get there in the afternoon for different light and (hopefully) no fog. If you’d like to see some of our natural Florida, you should go out there soon – while so much is going on!

Blog note:

In May of 2025, this blog will have been on-line for 18 years, with almost 800 posts, and more than 2500 comments. That’s a good effort in blog land! It’s more than enough time to express just about everything I can think of to say about Central Florida Photo Ops. So I’ve decided to wind things down here and the blog will be off-line sometime between May and September 2025 when my hosting plan expires. I doubt there are any posts or comments that readers are interested in saving, but if so please copy them before then.

I won’t be totally off-line. Even though I’m not photographing as much as I used to, I’ll still be going out and making images as often as possible. If you want to see what I’m up to, you can stop by https://flickr.com/edrosack, where I’ll keep posting.

Until September (and after): Many thanks to everyone for stopping by and reading my blog. You’ve all always been supportive and kind. Stay that way!

Take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos!

©2025, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Merritt Island: 1/31/25

Frank B. (one of the original Photography Interest Group members) suggested we go on a photo outing. We settled on a trip to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge and I’m glad we did.

Our first stop was the Titusville Marina for blue hour / sunrise. It was a calm and pretty morning and I like this B&W image of boats and reflections.

At the marinaAt the Marina

As we left the marina, fog started to roll in. You can see how thick it was in this photo of a boat on the river.

In the fogIn the fog

We decided to go around Gator Creek Road first and ran into our first highlight of the day: American White Pelicans. There were several in the distance and more as we came around the last turn near Catfish Creek Trail. The header image is a wide-angle view of hundreds (out of maybe 1000+) White Pelicans gathered there (you can see a larger version of the header image here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrosack/54318734094/in/photostream/). The fog made photography difficult. Here’s one showing some a lot closer.

American White Pelicans (2)American White Pelicans (2)

I’ve seen Wilson’s Snipes before, but in my experience, they’re almost always solitary. We saw small groups of them in a couple of spots along Black Point Wildlife Drive.

Wilson's SnipeWilson’s Snipe

You can often see a “bird feeding frenzy” over there, where a number of birds are going after minnows trapped in a small pond. This Great Egret was very successful and in nice light, too.

The plunge...The plunge… A Great Egret hunting minnows on Black Point Wildlife Drive

SuccessThe catch! We watched this bird for several minutes and it caught many minnows

A little further on Black Point, this Reddish Egret was chowing down too, but the light wasn’t nearly as good – although the reflections were awesome!

The dance...The Dance…

The catchThe catch!

The only Black Skimmer I saw that day made a single pass by us and kept going. I managed to make this quick photo.

Black SkimmerBlack Skimmer

Green Herons were common and this one was in some nice light.

A Green Heron fishing from the rocksA Green Heron fishing from the rocks.

And finally, another highlight from the trip. Just before the pavement starts at the exit from Black Point, we saw several people on the side of the road looking into the trees. It turned out that they were watching a Great Horned Owl nest.

A distant Great Horned Owl nestA distant Great Horned Owl nest

It was pretty far away and we would never have noticed it if we hadn’t stopped and talked to them. As we were leaving I asked how they found it. They’d heard about it, went to look, and “stopped where all the people were”.

We also saw many ducks, a Belted Kingfisher, an American Kestrel, a Killdeer, and many other wading birds and alligators too. A great trip!

Blog note:

In May of 2025, this blog will have been on-line for 18 years, with almost 800 posts, and more than 2500 comments. That’s a good effort in blog land! It’s more than enough time to express just about everything I can think of to say about Central Florida Photo Ops. So I’ve decided to wind things down here and the blog will be off-line by September 2025 when my hosting plan expires. I doubt there are any posts or comments that readers are interested in saving, but if so please copy them before then.

I won’t be totally off-line. Even though I’m not photographing as much as I used to, I’ll still be going out and making images as often as possible. If you want to see what I’m up to, you can stop by https://flickr.com/edrosack, where I’ll keep posting.

Until September (and after): Many thanks to everyone for stopping by and reading my blog. You’ve all always been supportive and kind. Stay that way!

Take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos!

©2025, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved.

Happy Holidays 2024!

Two things this week:

1. Happy Holidays

Hello readers and season’s greetings to each of you! I hope everyone can visit with family and friends and enjoy this wonderful time of year. Here’s a photo of the tree near the main entrance to our building. I think it looks marvelous!

Happy Holidays 2024!Happy Holidays 2024!

2. Visit to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

I also wanted to share some photos from my last trip to MINWR (13 December). Winter is a good time to visit and the activity over there has started to pick up. Here are a few samples of the things I saw, first a landscape:

Early morning view of the causeway and clouds leading into the refuge
(from Veterans Memorial Park)

And here’s some of the wildlife I spotted:

Wetland PhoebeWetland Phoebe

Snowies on a missionSnowy Egrets on a Mission

Redish EgretChilly Redish Egret

Roseate SpoonbillYoung Roseate Spoonbill

Northern ShovelerNorthern Shoveler

Wet wingsWet Wings (a typical Cormorant pose)

Hooded MergansersHooded Mergansers

GatorLurking Gator

Feral HogFeral Hog

Thanks to everyone for stopping by my blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Make some memories (with photos!).

©2024, Ed Rosack and MK Rosack. All rights reserved

Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium – 11/23/24

MK invited us to Nashville for Thanksgiving week. We’re huge fans of the Nashville TV show, so we made sure to arrive the weekend before so we could catch the Nashville Reunion Tour at the Ryman Auditorium. They’ve done this tour before, but this year there were only two dates: Atlanta and Nashville. Given the incredible choice of the historic Ryman venue, we couldn’t resist!

Note: the header Image is a shot from behind the control booth before the concert.

Ford LoungeFord Lounge

We splurged and upgraded our tickets to add the Ford VIP Lounge and we think it was well worth it. This comes with a dedicated and fast security line, a private lounge with included beverages and snacks, private bathrooms, in/out access, and a place to sit and visit before the show. The Lounge has memorabilia inside that we enjoyed having the chance to see. And before the show, we were able to use VIP level access on the balcony level to see more memorabilia.

The Ryman Auditorium has a long history and is an icon in Nashville. The first concert there was in 1892 and many famous acts have performed on its stage over the years.

Previous GuestsA few previous Ryman performers

We had good seats close to the front (except for a column that partially blocked our view) and really enjoyed the proximity to the stage. While there isn’t a bad seat in the house, the seats themselves are the original wood pews. Next time we’d bring stadium cushions to make them more comfortable.

The CrowdThe Crowd

We all enjoyed watching the Nashville TV show. For those of you that aren’t big fans, here’s the characters played by this show’s performers:

  • Charles Esten as Deacon Claybourne
  • Clare Bowen as Scarlett O’Connor
  • Sam Palladio as Gunnar Scott
  • Jonathan Jackson as Avery Barkley
  • Colin Linden was a musician / songwriter for the show and appears in many scenes. While Charles Esten sang his songs on the show, Colin played the guitar parts for the them.
  • And … the bartender in the Ford Lounge was an extra on the show!
Clare Bowen, Sam Palladio, Colin LindenClare Bowen, Sam Palladio, Colin Linden

Charles Esten, Colin LindenCharles Esten, Colin Linden

Sam Palladio, Charles Esten, Clare Bowen, Colin Linden, & Jonathan JacksonSam Palladio, Charles Esten, Clare Bowen, Colin Linden, & Jonathan Jackson

Autographed Nashville Reunion Tour Hatch Print (photo by MK Rosack, used with permission)

Another benefit of the VIP Ford Lounge is that we each received a limited-edition Hatch Show Print poster commemorating the Nashville Reunion Tour…. and they were autographed by all four performers! Hatch Show Print is another Nashville icon: “a working letterpress print shop since 1879, [Hatch Show Print] uses its vast collection of vintage type and hand-carved imagery to create timeless designs that express and commemorate America’s evolving cultural identity.”

North side viewNorth side view

The Ryman windows themselves are iconic. But despite rumors that they were a gift from country legend Johnny Cash to his wife and artist June Carter, they were actually added as a stylistic choice to the arches windows on the north side of the building in 1966. It’s hard to imagine the Ryman without them today! https://www.ryman.com/story/6-myths-and-misconceptions-about-the-ryman-debunked

The music / experience at the Ryman was amazing! We’re very grateful we went and we’d recommend a similar concert if you have the chance.

Photography: The Ryman Auditorium FAQ says “Professional cameras with detachable or telephoto lenses are prohibited.” so I relied on my iPhone 16 Pro Max for photos. With our close seats and its 5x telephoto lens, I think it worked very well.

We did many other things while we were at MK’s: Some movies / TV shows, eating too much very good food, shopping, touring the Vanderbilt campus, and lots of family time. Even some chores too! MK is a wonderful host! What a great trip!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog! Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. Visit with family. And if you have a chance, go listen to some live music – and make some photos!

©2024, Ed Rosack and MK Rosack. All rights reserved

Orlando Wetlands Park 10/24/24

It’s been a while since I last visited Orlando Wetlands Park, so I decided to get a little exercise and check out what’s happening there now. Here are a few things I saw.

The Cypress trees are starting to show our Florida Fall colors:

Cypress SwampCypress Swamp

The Visitors Center construction’s all done and the’ve done a nice job with the plantings in the garden:

In the garden by the Visitors CenterIn the garden by the Visitors Center.

Year round birds are plentiful:

Low over the pondSnowy Egret, low over the pond.

Little Blue Heron PortraitLittle Blue Heron Portrait

And the alligators are plentiful too:

Sleepy GatorSleepy Gator. And the alligators are plentiful too.

This is the time of year that migrant birds start to show up. This page on eBird shows observations from recent years by month: https://ebird.org/barchart?byr=2020&eyr=2024&bmo=1&emo=12&r=L452007. Orlando Wetlands Park is a beautiful place to visit, explore, and make photos. Maybe I’ll see you out there!

Thanks so much for checking out my blog! Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you have a chance, go for a hike and make some photos!

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

Recent MINWR Photos

Note: Our part of Central Florida was spared major impacts from Hurricane Helene. Unfortunately, people in many other areas are suffering horribly with injuries, death, and property loss. Our hearts go out to everyone affected.

I’ve gotten behind keeping the blog up to date so today I’ll try to catch up some. These photos are all recent ones from trips to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge on July 29th and Sept. 25th.

Fishing. With a view. A fisherman with a view. Rotary Riverfront Park on US 1 south of the refuge entrance. July 29.

Wild TurkeyOne of several Wild Turkeys hanging out near the turn in to Bairs Cove. July 29.

2 or 3 Manatees2 or 3 Manatees were making a big commotion in Haulover Canal by the Bairs Cove boat ramp. July 29.

Dawn at the marinaDawn at the marina – 1. The early morning sky was spectacular looking east from Marina Park. September 25.

Clouds to the west over the marina at dawnDawn at the marina – 2. The sky was interesting looking west too, but not as colorful – so I converted to B&W. September 25.

A young Black Crowned Night HeronA young Black Crowned Night Heron near the rest area on Black Point Wildlife Drive. September 25.

Baby GatorsBaby Gators. From the Visitor Center boardwalk. September 25.

The folks at the Visitor Center said there was a Momma Gator and babies in the pond. I walked out and down the boardwalk without spotting them. About to give up, I heard the babies calling. They make a sort of a chirp / gulp sound and I was able to follow their calls and find them. I hoped the babies would be on Mom’s back, but not that day. She was watching over her offspring from a few feet away.

Momma GatorMomma Gator. From the Visitor Center boardwalk. September 25.

Header image: I made that one along the back part of Black Point Wildlife Drive. I’ve always liked those large pine trees and the light that morning and the hazy sky background appealed to me. You can see a larger version on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrosack/53972104178/in/dateposted/

Maybe the Dog Days of Summer aren’t the best time to make photos at MINWR. But photo ops are still there if you go look for them.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos !

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

Nikon D90 – Retro Review

In my last post, I mentioned stopping to see Kevin M. in Chattanooga and that he gave me back the very same Nikon D90 that was my primary camera in 2008 and 2009. Thanks again, Kevin!

The camera is in fine shape and after buying some inexpensive after market batteries I was ready to try it out – again. I took it along on a recent outing to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. This small pond is near the west entrance to Gator Creek Road and has an easterly view at dawn over the water.

A pretty place for a camera test...A pretty place for a camera test…

The only Nikon lens I still have is an even older 50mm f/1.8, so I used it for this image. It’s a stitched panorama from 2 rows of 8 frames resulting in a final image size of 9732×7462 pixels (72.6M Pixels in a 4×5 aspect ratio). I used my latest workflow and software and I think it came out pretty nice for 16+ year old tech!

I did notice that the auto focus capabilities are nowhere near as good as current cameras. And the resolution (12 MegaPixels) is pretty low too. But the dynamic range, color, and noise performance held up very well – especially with RAW files run through modern software.

It was a lot of fun to use the D90 again. I was surprised by how comfortable I was with the controls after so long. It was a very good camera when it was released. And it’s still an impressive camera now. Will I take it out and use it sometimes? Yes, for old times sake. But I’m not going to give up my Sony gear!

If you click on this image, you can see a higher resolution version on Flickr along, with EXIF info and a map showing the location.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos – even with old gear!

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

Road Trip!

We just returned from a trip to Nashville Tennessee, Archbold Ohio and back. We spent 15 days on the road and saw family, friends, and many sights. I thought I’d offer you some photos along with a few words about our journey.


We stopped in Chattanooga, TN and Kevin M. met us for lunch. Afterward, he offered to show us around Lookout Mountain (https://www.nps.gov/places/point-parklookoutmountain.htm). Lynn and I had heard of it but never been there.

Garrity's Alabama BatteryGarrity’s Alabama Battery – Pointe Park on Lookout Mountain overlooking Chattanooga, elevation 2,392 feet

(More info: https://www.nps.gov/places/garritysbattery.htm?utm_source=place&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=experience_more&utm_content=large)

New York Peace MemorialNew York Peace Memorial – on Lookout Mountain

(More info: https://www.nps.gov/places/point-park-tour-stop-7-new-york-peace-monument.htm)

Header image: another view of Chattanooga from Lookout Mountain.

Kevin also gave me a “new old” camera! It’s a Nikon D90 that I originally owned from 2008 – 2010 before I passed it on to him. It was his main camera for a while, but he no longer needs it and asked if I wanted it back. Yes! It’s still working and I plan to try it out (again) on my next photo outing. Thanks Kevin for the tour and the camera!!


We stayed with MK in Nashville over the 4th of July. There was a lot of good food and some sightseeing too. She found a close by park with a view of the downtown skyline:

Nashville SkylineNashville Skyline – from Love Circle Park, elevation 744 feet.

And after dinner one evening they dropped me off for a few minutes so I could make a few photos downtown:

Downtown NashvilleDowntown Nashville, Broadway, near the river

We’d heard about the Gallery of Iconic Guitars (GIG: https://www.thegigatbelmont.com) and visiting it was one of the highlights of the trip. We got there early and had the place to ourselves!

Gallery of Iconic GuitarsGallery of Iconic Guitars. The GIG at Belmont University in Nashville has dozens of historic instruments on display from a total of about 500 in the collection.

1887 Martin D-281887 Martin D-28. One of the oldest instruments on display at the GIG.


Next, we headed up to Archbold Ohio. Although I didn’t make any photos there, one highlight on the drive was a stop at Sweetwater Music in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It’s quite a place and if you have any interest in music, you should visit if you get a chance.

We were in Archbold for the 2024 Pressing Iron and Trivet Collectors of America (PITCA) convention. There was a lot of buying, selling, presentations, and visiting with friends and fellow collectors.

2024 PITCA Convention: All set up for the auction (photo by Lynn Rosack, used with permission)

The convention was held at the Sauder Heritage Inn (https://saudervillage.org/stay/sauder-heritage-inn) and we had a nice rural view right behind our hotel room.

By the corn fieldBy the corn field.

There were many, many corn fields and almost as many hay fields in the area.

Hay harvestHay harvest. A field outside of Archbold, Ohio

We spent time one afternoon at the Sauder Historic Village: (https://saudervillage.org/explore/historic-village). It’s Ohio’s largest historic village and shows local life from 1803 to 1928.

Through the covered bridgeThrough the covered bridge

Wood shop 1Wood shop 1

Wood shop 2Wood shop 2

1920s Main Street 11920s Main Street 1

1920s Main Street 21920s Main Street 2

And back home…

We drove home from Ohio along I-75. It’s a scenic route, but there aren’t many places to pull over for a photo. This one spot a bit north east of Chattanooga was the only safe overlook that we found.

Overlooking Owl HollowOverlooking Owl Hollow; Stitched panorama from 4 RAW format iPhone frames.

It was a very nice trip, although we spent way too many hours in the car. Family, friends, sightseeing, food, convention, and more. A great time!

You can click on these photos to see higher resolution versions on Flickr.

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos on your road trip!

©2024, Ed Rosack, Lynn Rosack. All rights reserved

Mt. Blue Sky, Colorado (update)

A very special place! The last time I was there was way back in 2013, when it was still called Mt. Evans. I only discovered the name change a few weeks ago. While researching that, I also discovered some changes in how the area is managed, so I thought I’d publish an update. Here’s some info for your browsing pleasure on this highest paved road in North America:

I went through my archives and processed / reprocessed several images so I’d have some you haven’t seen for this post. This first photo is near the summit. The color version’s here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrosack/34467852916/

Road narrowsRoad narrows (Nikon D80, July 2007)

The road’s a bit scary to drive and requires concentration, but I haven’t seen any news of automobiles accidents up there. There are a few guard rails in places, but not on most of the road. Going down was worse for me than going up. White knuckles and relief when we were finally done with the switchbacks.

Marmots are common on the mountain. This one was enjoying some sunshine on the side of the road.

Mount Blue Sky MarmotMount Blue Sky Marmot (Nikon D80, July 2007)

You can catch lovely reflections and flowers at Summit Lake:

Summit Lake reflectionSummit Lake reflection (Nikon D80, July 2007)

Mountain Goats are also common up there and they’re used to people, so you can get some pretty good photos of these sure footed wild animals.

Two young mountain goatsTwo young mountain goats (Nikon 7000, July 2011)

I you decide to visit, please check the official websites for the latest information before you go. Reservations are required now and there’s construction planned that will block part or all of the road through 2025.

It’s a wonderful place – I need to go back! You can click on these photos to see larger versions on Flickr and you can view some of my other  Mount Blue Sky photos in this folder: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edrosack/albums/72157627010365829/

On a side note: Lynn and I are just about done with our move. The new place is getting organized and I hope to get back out photographing some time soon.

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other. And if you can, make some photos!

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved

Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day is observed in the US on the last Monday of May. It’s set aside to remember, honor, thank, and mourn men and women who have lost their lives serving our country.

Decorating soldiers’ graves with flowers is an ancient custom. We’ve done this in the US  since at least the Civil War and in 1971 it became an official federal holiday.

There are parades in many places across the country, and we also observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials. Some wear a red poppy in remembrance of the fallen, a tradition called out by the by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae in the World War I poem “In Flanders Fields. Our local veterans group does a very solemn and moving missing man table as well as a Memorial Day Ceremony.

"By the dawn's early light"The US Flag at half mast at Veterans Memorial Park in Titusville Florida.

Please join us tomorrow and take a few moments to remember service members who have perished in the line of duty and those they left behind.  Heroes all.

You can see other Memorial Day related blog posts at this search link: https://edrosack.com/?s=Memorial+Day

Thanks for stopping by the blog. Stay positive, be kind, and take care of yourselves and each other.

©2024, Ed Rosack. All rights reserved